
The Vitality People study shows employees and employers benefitting from ‘high’ health engagement. Key findings:

Employees become:

  • Healthier, with better long-term health outcomes.

  • More likely to report high job satisfaction.

Employers get:

  • Greater productivity.

  • Higher engagement at work.

  • Demonstrably higher output.

  • Less ‘Presenteeism’ where staff are ‘in’, but not productive.


  • Sickness episodes fell 28%.

  • Duration of absences fell 46%.

  • Tenure up by nearly 2 years, lowering disruption and HR costs.

  • Highly engaged staff more likely to be assessed as high performing.

Members were:

  • 20% more likely to increase physical activity.

  • 30% more likely to sleep better.

  • 19% more likely to reduce alcohol consumption.

  • 39% more likely to make better nutrition choices.

A copy of their study is available on request.